пятница, 27 декабря 2019 г.


I need your help about this. Failed to read schema document 'ehcache. Default is 'false', creating an independent instance. Over a million developers have joined DZone. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'cacheManager' while setting bean property 'cacheManager'; nested exception is org. ehcache.xsd

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Sign up using Facebook. Default is 'false', creating an independent instance. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. The source of the existing CacheManager is: This is configured as follows: Over a million developers have joined DZone. The configuration steps are similar to those described ehcachr.xsd my last blog Caching and Config in that you still need to specify: Stack Overflow works best with Ehccahe.xsd enabled.

I have googled many solution, but ehcache.xsc still can't be fixed. Notice that it references a second bean with an id of 'ehcache'. Cannot find the declaration of element 'ehcache'. But our server can't access external website, so we changed XSD location to local as below, but the application can't startup with following exception already copy ehcache.

How to use local xsd for EhCache with Spring - Stack Overflow

Please provide unique names for each CacheManager in the config or do one of following: Still looking forward to find out other solution. Shutdown the ehcachee.xsd cacheManager before creating new one with same name. Failed to read schema document 'ehcache.


Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own. Hope this will help someone who facing the same issue. BufferedInputStream c] at net.

Improving the question-asking experience. This is supposed to be optional as the documentation states that it defines "whether the EHCache CacheManager should be shared as a singleton at the VM level or independent typically local within the application.

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Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Hence, my first JUnit test works okay, but all others fail. Yu Jiaao Yu Jiaao 2, 2 2 gold badges 27 27 silver badges 42 42 bronze badges.


My Workaround is add this xsd file to absolute path, such as: I actually prefer to think of SimpleCacheManager as lightweight rather than simple; useful in those situations where you want a small in memory cache on a per JVM basis. If this file is missing then the EhCacheManagerFactoryBean simply picks up a default ehcache config file: Post as a guest Name.

BufferedInputStream c] at org. Error creating bean with name 'ehcache' defined in class path resource [ehcache-example. Email Required, but never shown.

springmodules-ehcache.xsd contains errors

Invocation of init method failed; ehcachd.xsd exception is net. Cannot resolve reference to bean 'cacheManager' while setting bean property 'cacheManager'; nested exception is org.

In my test code I used the following example file: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'ehcache' while setting bean property 'cacheManager'; nested exception is org. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. LukeHan LukeHan 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges.

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