четверг, 2 января 2020 г.


The DBMaker class handles database configuration, creation and opening. Interpretations depends on cache type. This is quick way to create 'throw away' collection. You must call DB. Once you have DB you may open a collection or other record. All fetched records are added to HashMap and stored with hard reference. dbmaker

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Java Examples for org.mapdb.DBMaker

DB is not limited to collections, but creates other type of records such as Atomic Records:. There are two classes that act like the glue between the different pieces, namely the DBMaker and the DB classes. Also we can enable faster memory-mapped files on 64bit operating systems: DB uses builder style configuration.

MapDB is flexible, with many configuration options.

Quick Start · MapDB

File deletion may silently fail, especially on Windows where buffer needs to be unmapped file delete. So this parameter disables record auto creation.

Limit is not strict and does not apply to some parts such as index table. You must call DB.


It is possible to disable transaction journal for better write performance In this case all integrity checks are sacrificed for faster speed. So constructing BTreeMap from ordered set leads to large store fragmentation. Other option is to enable transactions with write ahead log. This method uses off-heap direct ByteBuffers.

It opens in-memory HashMap, it uses off-heap store and it is not limited by Garbage Collection:. MapDB is pluggable dhmaker Lego.

DB and DBMaker - MapDB

Get Started with Dbmsker, the Cassandra java library by Netflix. This way transactions are preserved rollback worksbut commits are not 'durable' and data may be lost if store is not properly closed.

For unbounded caches such as HardRef cache it is initial capacity of underlying table HashMap. Disk or memory space consumed be storage should not grow over this space.

This greatly decreases serialization overhead and improves performance. Hello World Hereafter is a simple example.

This option switches the snapshots on. Object cloneequals sbmaker, finalizegetClasshashCodenotifynotifyAlltoStringwaitwaitwait. It is faster and more memory efficient to use specialized serializers. Add the Maven Dependecy to your project: Make sure you enable this every time you reopen store, otherwise record de-serialization fails unpredictably.

DB and DBMaker

It starts with type of collection hashMaptreeSet … and name, followed by configuration is applied and finally by operation indicator. Snapshots are disabled by default.

The example above uses single global transaction per store, which is sufficient for some usages:. Once you have DB you dvmaker open a collection or other record.

Javadox Java Articles Maven Dependency. Astyanax, the Cassandra Java library New blog post: Interpretations depends on cache type.


MapDB needs compaction sometimes. However implementation in MapDB was not peer-reviewed. For fixed size caches such as FixedHashTable dbmzker it is maximal number of items in cache.


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